We catalyze systemic impact across bioregions

with custom digital maps and holistic consulting services for your regenerative land project.

Better decisions. Better communication. Better results.

Earth Is In Distress

Civilization is facing systemic breaking points. We need to accelerate impact to secure a positive future, but people around the world are stuck without the right tools to address these converging planetary crises. A new paradigm requires new models.

New systems for land use planning, governance, and financing are needed.
A better future requires regenerative replacements for extractive economic models, outdated legal structures, insufficient mapping and coordination technologies.

ReCommon builds systems and tools to accelerate impact projects, globally.
Our approach integrates impact mapping, regenerative land use, community development, bioregional governance, ecological economics, and holistic project consulting to create and implement customized, lasting solutions.

Whole-systems consulting for regenerative projects, powered by impact mapping data.

Black Line ReCommon Map Preview

Better Decisions

Integrating local project data with global ecological data for holistic systems mapping.

Better Communication

Using the timeless medium of maps to show complex relationships and plans beyond words.

Better Results

Weaving together bioregional and local project strategy to create harmonious, impactful results.

Our offerings


Our offerings ·

Solutions curated to your project’s needs, including…

  • Bioregional systems mapping

  • Custom impact data curation & analysis

  • Governance & land land tenure design

  • Legal entity and capital strategy

  • Watershed & hydrology mapping

  • Regenerative economic modeling

  • Community development strategy

  • Ecovillage masterplan design

  • Impact project reporting

  • Stakeholder communication

We’re in it together.

“The experience of working with ReCommon to map the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta of Colombia, a very complex territory, has been crucial to helping us understand the level of ecological degradation, impact on watersheds, and prioritize where interventions should take place for regeneration. We look forward to continued work with ReCommon to develop ecological land use codes and further project development. This is instrumental work for our bioregional initiative.”
Eduardo Esparza, CEO | Blue Dot Project

Eduardo ReCommon Testimonial

“It has been such a privilege to work with a proficient and knowledgable team that demonstrates a depth of understanding and legitimate desire to explore the intricacies and demands of the bioregion in which we work. The way the data is broken down and showcased, allows for a holistic comprehension of the systems that are at play.”
Kelsey Faith, COO, Co-founder | Sun Nation

“ReCommon's ability to create powerful land mapping resources rich with searchable data as accessible open-source resources for developing Farmland Commons communities is of significant benefit. The knowledge and data equity this mapping creates is essential in community centered land work and is also part of the strategy and process guided and supported by The Farmers Land Trust with emerging Farmland Commons across the United States.”
Ian McSweeney, Co-Executive Director | The Farmers Land Trust

Features, Partners, & Collaborators


  • Very likely, the answer is yes! Impact funds, governments, land trusts, NGO's, regenerative real estate developers... we work with any team making a positive impact with a place-based project of any kind. Our services are flexible, and we can create tailored solutions to your specific goals. Reach out to use to learn more about solutions specific to your industry.

  • We work with projects of all sizes and degrees of complexity. That said, we tend towards larger projects with increased complexity. If you're unsure whether or not your project is the right fit for us, reach out and we can discuss further!

  • Yes, we work globally. We understand that every country has it's own nuances, legal system, and cultural dynamics. All of those aspects, and more, are incorporated into our map building and holistic consulting processes, ensuring that the solutions we provide can work in and are tailored to your country's jurisdiction. Reach out to us to discuss your project needs in more detail and see if it's a good fit.

  • Our pricing is flexible and entirely depends on the scale and scope of your project. We're able to do anything from a one-off map creation or consultation, to partnering on a multi-year long, complex project. I pricing reflects the unique needs of your project, and the required time commitment from our team. Schedule a call with us to get a better idea of how much of an investment it would take to work together and meet your project goals.

Amplify your project’s impact.
Make the world a better place.